production diary 1- preproduction continues

My role within preproduction was the shot list prop list and mood board. For the shot list I took the ideas from our story line and spoke with the rest of my group and we discussed all the different shots and camera angles we could use to make our storyline be shown through visuals and less through dialogue, after we had conversations I converted this all into a table of the shot we wanted to do a brief description of what would happen and where the shot would take place whether it was inside or outside we also had to make sure we got the shot inspiration from our chosen director who is Sofia Coppola. For the prop list we talked about all the props we would need to accompany our story and help to enhance the visuals and make it more engaging. in order to complete the prop list, we looked at everything that was needed and made it into a bullet point list to ensure we had everything for production days within further preproduction plans this list will be made into a daily divide for everything needed for everyday of production, this will help us to ensure production goes smoother and nothing is forgotten on the day. I also completed the mood board for this I was able to take our story line and find images to help reference this for example picture inspiration of costume, makeup and props however on the mood board I also added images to represent the social issue and colour pallet we would be focusing on. our mood board helps us take visual ideas that link to our storyline and convert and incorporate these into our shots and other processes. through the preproduction process I hope to achieve a fully planned shot list and other things to aid our film and make our production more organised, I also hope to achieve having a similar finished product inspired by our chosen director. through our preproduction we have made sure to include references and trademarks from our director into our own film for example the colour pallet for our short film is very light toned for example we are using a lot of red in our scenes as it is a light colour but it also helps to drive our storyline as we have focused on a very serious social issue, we have also decided to take our storyline back in time to the 1960’s as our director sets her films is different time periods, we have made sure to include all of this information within all of our planning to have our short film look as close to the 1960’s as we can meanwhile filming in 2022 we want to be able to capture much of the 1960’s so we had to do lots of research on costume hair and makeup to ensure it fit with the setting we want to create, this was all put onto a mood board so we could see visually what we needed to replicate.

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