
Since starting the live television unit I feel that I have learnt a lot and put the knowledge I already had to good use. Teamwork was a big part of this project and I feel as though it helped me develop on my communication skills and allowed me to work with different people within the class that I haven’t necessarily worked with before. 

Learning the content of live television really helped in creating knowledge before making our own. We studied the job roles and responsibilities, the legal and ethical aspects, hard and soft skills, how to produce a vt and we also did an analysis of the one show. Being able to learn this content helped me perform my role within making our own show and helped to provide me with knowledge on what a good tv show includes and what people with different job roles should be completing within the planning and production. 

After learning all of the content we were assigned job roles we would fulfil during the planning and production process. I was assigned director and feel as though I was able to perform this very well. After this we discussed as a group what content we wanted our show to have as well as who our age demographic was and what we wanted our set and show to look like. Once all of this was decided we were able to start the planning process. In this process I was able to keep the team organised as well as work closely with the producer in writing the treatment as well as doing story boards for the vts and creating a running order. The team worked well as a group and communicated effectively which made the planning process go a lot smoother as everyone worked as a team and everyone got involved. 

Upon filming day this didn’t go as smoothly as it should have. Things on set got broken, people didn’t show up on time and not everyone was getting involved and doing what they needed to be doing. This created a very chaotic and unorganised environment and we had to delay production due to the broken lava lamp. If we were to repeat this project I would make sure that the set was safe and everything was taped down correctly to prevent an event like this to happen again. Although we were set back by all of that the filming went incredibly well and we were all able to work as a team and get all of the footage needed filmed in an amazing space of time. We also learned how to do multi camera filming while working on the tv show. 

Going into the editing process I didn’t feel confident in being able to do it. We were shown how to start the editing process and how to do multi camera editing. I feel as though on the first few times of trying to edit this I really struggled to get it how I wanted it. After a lot of trial and error and help from my class mates I was able to produce an edit that I am incredibly proud of. 

Moving into the final major project I feel that I was able to learn much more content and skills then i previously had and I feel as though I will be able to make a good quality final piece. 

Overall I think that although we had some problems along the way our filming went well as well as the planning. We all worked well as a team and communicated effectively with one and other and people helped others even if it wasn’t their job. To improve I think that we needed to double check that everything was safe before going ahead to the next stage. I feel that I was able to perform my job role well and would happily do it again in the future.

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