
context essay:


The core problem I am aiming to solve is getting more people to talk about domestic abuse, grief and self injury. The opportunity this provides is showing the effects of these problems and showing people it is better to talk than try to cope with it alone. I have chosen to do this topic as I know what it is like to suffer with these things.

Target Audience:

My target audience is people aged from 16-20 I have chosen this age because although it is a graphic topic it makes people aware and this could happen to someone of any age in a relationship however it might happen differently to each person.


The constraints I might face are not having the right equipment available when I need it, having bad weather on filming days, people not being available on the days that I need them and running over time limits.


In my team will be Taylor, Lana, Bea and Chris. Within this team good communication and teamwork is needed in order for it to be successful

Success / How will you measure success? Describe the hard metrics of success

in my opinion success would be measured by it being on time and to the deadline and for my target audience to enjoy the short film I produce, the hard metrics of success would be a distinction that would be great.



hold on a little longer


This is a short film about the effects of domestic abuse and grief as well as elements of self harm

Plot summary-

the plot of my film is to show the journey of healing after domestic abuse in my film the girl will be shown in a relationship with her ex we will then see the abuse and her self harming to deal with the thoughts and ptsd of the past later on in the film we see the girl starting to heal by speaking to someone new and the film ends with her happy with a new partner who treats her right

Key characters-

main girl- victim of domestic abuse very isolated and suffers greatly with her mental health

ex- strong headed, toxic, misogynistic

new guy- caring, loving, supportive.



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