production & editing diaries:

production day 1

Today I filmed my 4th scene at stokes bay beach, I used my boyfriends camera to help me film this section my actors in this section that I used were my dog leia and myself, I used Taylor as my camera operator and my friend Hallie as the runner and dog handler, I think it went well apart from a missing clip that we have already decided to re shoot on a different date, so overall I think this day was a productive and useful production day.

production day 2

Today I filmed my flashback scene. This was a difficult scene to film due to the topic of it, but the production went very well, and Taylor and I were able to work well together to ensure that all the shots looked how I wanted them, he was also able to give his own feedback and ideas on the things he thought could be changed or added to help it look better visually. Overall, my production today went really well, and nothing had to be massively changed we just made slight adjustments to make it look better.

production day 3

Today I filmed my bathroom scene. This took a while to film as we did multiple takes of every shot. This was the second to last scene I had to film. Overall, the filming went well, and I was able to adjust things as I went along to make the scene look better and have a more powerful message.

production day 4

Today was my final day of production I filmed the first and last scenes these took a little while to film as I wanted to get the best takes in order for my film to look as good as possible. This filming went well and I feel as though there were no improvements that were needed.

editing scene 1

The first scene was the most simple scene to edit as all I had to do was import the videos and cut them all down and put them together. I didn’t add any other video effects.

editing scene 2

For the second scene this was more complicated to edit as I had to put the message on the screen and put some of the footage in slow motion this helped add effect to my film.

editing scene 3

My third scene was very difficult to edit as I wanted to put it into black and white to show the past and wanted the editing to be very face paced and choppy.

editing scene 4

This scene was also simple to edit as it was also just putting the clips together. The only improvement I would make is that the footage is shaky.

editing scene 5

This scene was slightly more complicated to edit as I had to add more video effects to show that it was a different time and make it look better and more appealing to an audience. the last thing I had to do was add music sound effects and the cover photo and any other small details.

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